News & Musings

News & Musings

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Last week I had the strange but very positive experience of attending a conference in celebration of my 60th birthday (which was a few months ago). The talks were wonderful but slightly hard to find on YouTube, so I've made a playlist of most of them. 🧵

Récemment visité la magnifique exposition Brâncusi au Centre Pompidou — e.a. la toute première rencontre de ma fille avec les chefs-d'œuvre du maestro : elle a adoré !
PS. Visite évidemment conclue par un Sauternes sur la terrasse du restaurant Le Georges.

Ocazie să ne reamintim și de tratamentul la care a fost— și, într-o oarecare măsură încă mai este — supus Brâncuși în țara-i natală...

🏆 Avi Wigderson, Herbert H. Maass Professor in the IAS School of Mathematics, has been named by @TheOfficialACM as the recipient of the 2023 ACM A.M. Turing Award, often referred to as the “Nobel Prize of Computing." Read more:

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